Hey hey hey! Today marks a full week that BBB&S has been out in the world — wow! I get a little thrill every time someone tells me their copy has arrived, and I hope if you pick it up, that you’ll dig it.
A few reviews have come in. Aside from the Kirkus review over the summer, BBB&S has also gotten some praise from Publisher’s Weekly and Booklist online. You can hop over to the book page to see those — for example, BBB&S being described as “a tale of sacrifice, restoration, community, and magic that begs for a sequel.”
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve also been all over the internet. Here’s a roundup of interviews and guest posts from me, about the book, writing, reading, and more.
- My Favorite Bit, hosted by Mary Robinette Kowal, in which I talk about embracing anger as I wrote.
- On Burning a Book Down and Starting Over, an interview at Adventures in YA Publishing.
- New Releases Author Question, also at Adventures in YA Publishing.
- Interview on Reading and Writing, at Tween2Teen Book Reviews.
- The World Building of BBB&S, a guest post at Awkwordly Emma.
- On Weird Searches and More, an interview at Books ‘n Calm.
- Advice to Young Writers, an interview at Literary Legionnaire.
- On Writing and Plotting, an interview at Live, Love, Read.
Whew! And a huge thanks to Nori and her Sunday Street Team for arranging so much of that, plus a handful of reader reviews, too!
Places you can win a copy of BBB&S:
And believe it or not, there’s even more to come! But in the mean time, I’d better get busy on copyedits for the sequel….
Desert feature image by Swen George via flickr.
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