Becky Allen Books

YA fantasy writer. Not a morning person.

Category: My Life

  • Introducing BOUND BY BLOOD AND SAND, aka, MY BOOK SOLD!!!

    I’ve been trying to think of a fun or artful or eloquent way of putting it, but mostly I just keeping doing this to anyone who stands still long enough: Here’s the blurb from the Publisher’s Weekly Rights Report: Kate Sullivan at Delacorte Press has acquired Becky Allen’s debut Bound by Blood and Sand and…


  • Exclamation Point

    The Big, Exciting News

    So I have some news. Some pretty big news. Some pretty rad news. Some pretty big and rad news. Which is this: I’ve recently signed on as a client of literary agent Hannah Bowman, of Liza Dawson Associates Literary Agency. Holy crap, wow. This is something I have been working towards for a long, long…


  • Sailor Moon

    Sailor Moon, Ninja Turtles, and Learning to Save the World

    So you may have heard about this, especially if you’re a woman between the ages of, let’s say, 25 and 35, but Sailor Moon has been re-subtitled and is now available on Hulu, with two episodes being released a week. And this will go all the way through the end of the series, which means…
