Becky Allen Books

YA fantasy writer. Not a morning person.

Tag: my life (is not very interesting)

  • Looking Back, From Pit to Peak

    Well, here we are at the beginning of a shiny new year. As I’ve said in previous years, I don’t really tend to make resolutions. I’ve found they don’t really work for me. When I’m ready to make a change or do something I need to, I just do it; trying to force myself to…


  • Exclamation Point

    The Big, Exciting News

    So I have some news. Some pretty big news. Some pretty rad news. Some pretty big and rad news. Which is this: I’ve recently signed on as a client of literary agent Hannah Bowman, of Liza Dawson Associates Literary Agency. Holy crap, wow. This is something I have been working towards for a long, long…
